A Vixen in Venice (Totally Five Star) by Kate Deveaux
A Vixen in Venice (Totally Five Star) by Kate Deveaux PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
He’s an art thief on the run—with her heart. Look closer, into Totally Five Star Venice, where art curator Monique LeBres has just walked through the doors of the newly opened, swanky luxury hotel to assist with their art collection. Alessandro Bonnard, the world-renowned art connoisseur and collector, has been sent incognito to supervise Monique and oversee her acquisitions for the hotel. Concealing his true identity, Alessandro is intrigued by the art-loving vixen with an appetite for kinky sex. He pursues Monique, charming her at every turn, taking her to places she’s never been—both in and out of the bedroom. Monique falls hard for the man who has utterly captured her heart, only to find out he isn’t who she thought he was.From reader reviews:
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