He Gave the Order: The Life and Times of Osami Nagano by F J Bradley
He Gave the Order: The Life and Times of Osami Nagano by F J Bradley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Merriam Press Naval History 2 (NH2)First Edition 2014. The interior pages of this edition are in full color; a paperback edition with the interior pages in B&W is also available (ISBN 9781576383711).
This is a biography of Japanese Navy Admiral Osami Nagano, who ordered the attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. This work covers his entire career, diplomatic, political and military, concentrating on the years leading up to the war between Japan and the United States.
Nagano was born in 1880, a time and place of great transformation in Japan. The Shogun era was giving way to the Meiji Empire and political power was centralized in the new capital of Edo (now Tokyo). The samurai system of warlord rule was ending and Japan was forced to look beyond her borders to shape her future. Nagano, with a strict but loving father and persevering mother, started out with a solid background. He attained great achievements in his military and political careers, but his involvement in Japan’s entrance into World War II on 8 December 1941 led to his ultimate downfall. He died in 1947, in Sugamo Prison in Tokyo during the International Military Tribunal for the Far East under U.S. occupation, following Japan’s defeat.
Early Years of Osami Nagano, 1880 – 1900
Chapter 2: Early Career and Marriages, 1900 – 1920
Chapter 3: Diplomat and Traveler, 1920 – 1930
Chapter 4: Diplomat, Sailor and Politician, 1930 – 1941
Part 1: Diplomat: Geneva Disarmament Conference 1932-1933
Part 2: Sailor: Commandant, Yokosuka Naval Base
Part 3: Diplomat: Second London Naval Conference 1935-1936
Part 4: Politician: Naval Minister
Part 5: Sailor: Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet
Part 6: Retiree and Celebrity
Part 7: Concerned Warrior, 9 April to 8 December 1941
Chapter 5: Post Script
Significant Individuals
Appendix A1-A8: Postcards
Appendix B: Nagano Family Tree and Osami Nagano’s Wives and Children
Appendix C1-C4: Naval Treaties and Naval Ship Estimates 1941
Appendix D: Meiji Constitution
Appendix E: Nagano Medals, Orders, Decorations
Appendix F: Soviet Japan Neutrality Treaty, April 13, 1941
Appendix G: Summary of IMTFE Trial Results
84 B&W photos
121 color photos
7 maps
7 tables
2 charts
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