Wednesday, February 18, 2015

PDF⋙ A Foolish Voyage: Self-Discovery At Sea by Neil Hawkesford

A Foolish Voyage: Self-Discovery At Sea by Neil Hawkesford

A Foolish Voyage: Self-Discovery At Sea

A Foolish Voyage: Self-Discovery At Sea by Neil Hawkesford PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is a true story of adventure aboard a small sailboat. It's a book not just about sailing but about life. Good times and bad. It's about what happens at the very limits of physical, emotional, and mental capacity. Ultimately it's about how personal tragedy led to a life-changing discovery - The realisation that hidden deep inside of us all is the perseverance and passion needed for achieving long–term goals. It's a book that might just start you on your own Foolish Voyage. Story synopsis. Disillusioned with his life of normality a young man decides to buy an 18ft sailboat, make her his home and set sail in search of adventure. He finds it. Single-handedly sailing the South Coast of England to Falmouth. Working as yacht delivery crew. Near shipwreck on Spains 'Costa da Morte', the Coast Of Death. Fire onboard in the Atlantic. Engine failure in the Mediterranean. Then he decides to sail his own tiny boat across the Bay of Biscay . It all goes terribly wrong. He returns to a life of 'normality' and gives up on his dreams. It all goes terribly wrong. In the depths of depression, he makes a decision. He'll build another boat, he'll go on another Foolish Voyage. Here's what some of the Beta-readers said about 'A Foolish Voyage' "Holy S**t Neil! You had me in tears at the end. What an amazing story". - Craig "A compelling retelling of a young sea-gypsy's maiden adventure which, despite the outcome, makes you want to grab your kit-bag, let go the lines and cast your lot in with the waves. I wish I'd read this 30 years ago." Jon Kutassy "I love your book! You're honest, the book has spirit, you describe fun things as well as drawbacks in a lively and easy to follow way. It's not a story about beautiful Islands, lovely seas and all going smooth as most authors nowadays seem to try to tell their readers. It's a real-life story that doesn't hide things like the problems we sailors face, and, on the other hand, it allows the reader to feel some bit of the freedom our life has to offer." - Dody "Wow! I really enjoyed the read. It seemed like 2 stories. One was of the development of you as a skipper, to the point of the fateful voyage. The second was the voyage itself and the psychological impact it had on you. Like all good books it left me wanting more." - Peter "Recommended even if you are not a sailor, Neil writes from the heart. This is an open and honest account of his sailing adventures from the beginning to the point where he sadly loses his boat in his 'foolish voyage'. An intriguing and enjoyable read." - Jackie

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