Sunday, December 20, 2015

PDF⋙ Hecho en Cuba: Cinema in the Cuban Graphics

Hecho en Cuba: Cinema in the Cuban Graphics

Hecho en Cuba: Cinema in the Cuban Graphics

Hecho en Cuba: Cinema in the Cuban Graphics PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The film poster is one of the best-known forms of Cuban art. Hecho en Cuba: Cinema in the Cuban Graphics is a compilation of Cuban film posters from the 1950s through the present, and an exploration of the designers who created them.
The bold sensibility and visual inventiveness of post-revolutionary Cuban graphic design makes it instantly recognizable. But the designers contributing to this new style were still individual artists, bringing their different backgrounds to the task of creating a new visual identity for a post-revolutionary nation. With lavishly illustrated sections on Eladio Rivadulla, Raùl Martinez, Eduardo Muñoz Bachs, Antonio Reboiro, Antonio Pérez Gonzáles (Ñiko), Renè Azcuy, Alfredo Rostgaard, Rafael Morante, Raùl Oliva, Julio Eloy Mesa and Jorge Dima, Hecho en Cuba brings out the individual design sensibilities that shaped an extraordinary graphic culture, where the poster became the populist art form par excellence.

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