Friday, August 1, 2014

PDF⋙ Pokemon Graphic Novel, Volume 4: Surf's Up, Pikachu (Pokemon (Viz Paperback)) by Toshihiro Ono

Pokemon Graphic Novel, Volume 4: Surf's Up, Pikachu (Pokemon (Viz Paperback)) by Toshihiro Ono

Pokemon Graphic Novel, Volume 4: Surf's Up, Pikachu (Pokemon (Viz Paperback))

Pokemon Graphic Novel, Volume 4: Surf's Up, Pikachu (Pokemon (Viz Paperback)) by Toshihiro Ono PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It's a Pikachu luau as Ash and Pikachu set sail on a Lapras to visit the Orange Islands. In a series of zany adventures inspired by the new season of Pokemon TV episodes, they battle tropical seas and wild jungles while they help protect the islands from a hungry Snorlax. Along the way, Ash continues his quest to become the world's greatest Pokemon trainer by seeking out new Pokemon - and new challenges.

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